Marketing Automation

I want to deploy a marketing automation platform

Ask a company with a marketing automation platform what they would do differently next time and you’re in for a long conversation. Because we’ve been there before, we know what you have to do to get it right the first time. Where do you start? What technology and skills do you need? What strategy do you follow, and do you buy up-front or use a platform-as-a-service? Use our experience and make the right call the first time around.

Talk to us about your MAP challenge

What are you up against?

Ownership and governance: who’s in charge?

Do you know who’s going to own the platform? Do you know who is going to manage and use it, and with what privileges? We help our clients to set and enforce standards and policies, creating a platform that is both highly effective and responsibly controlled.

seen by marketers who implement marketing automation
seen by marketers who implement marketing automation
Source: Forrester Research

Working with IT and web teams

The relationship with IT can be testy. We help clarify requirements and soothe IT anxieties, because we understand the thorny problem of working with sensitive data and are ISO-certified to deal with it. We also work alongside IT Integrating tracking scripts and existing forms, and building new forms when required.

increases seen by marketing automation users
increases seen by marketing automation users
Source: VB Insight

Are you starting with dirty data?

The biggest barrier to the success of your platform is the data that drives it. We help you understand what you have and how it can be augmented, enriched and normalized, in order to drive more effective segmentation and targeting.

Thinking through CRM integration

Whether you have a single CRM or multiple systems, you need a standardized data model to enable effective integration. Do you need one-way or two-way sync? How do you define the gold standard of data? Is there a risk of marketing data polluting CRM? We answer the questions, ensuring CRM and marketing automation complement instead of confusing each other.

of B2B marketers felt they were not using their marketing automation software to their full potential last year
of B2B marketers felt they were not using their marketing automation software to their full potential last year
Source: Sirius Decisions

What about the pilot?

Where do you start? You want quick wins, but you know it’s a long-term investment. We help you decide how to get the project moving, leveraging existing work where appropriate, and deploying new features and functionality at the first suitable opportunity – as opposed to the first week.

Solving the training problem

Most clients start with the ambition of being taught how to fish. We think it also makes sense to stay on the riverbank for a while with you to land the big ones. We combine hands-on training and remote training to bring your people up to speed, but we’re also there to provide ‘burst’ capacity when you need it.

The marketing automation experts

If you want to get your marketing automation deployment right the first time (or maybe the second time around), then there's only one number to call: ours.


Other office numbers
  • Barbados
  • Boston
  • Toronto
  • London
  • Bangalore
  • Melbourne
  • Singapore
  • Tokyo

Success with marketing automation involves a lot more than just standing up the technology. It's a significant business process change that requires senior sponsorship and stakeholder buy-in at all levels.

Catalina Dobre

MarketOne International

Capabilities combined to meet this challenge

  • MAP deployment and configuration
  • Standard and custom API integrations
  • Marketing Automation Platform-as-a-Service
  • CRM integration and optimization
  • Lead stage definitions and scoring
  • Lead management process design

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Clients we've helped with this challenge